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West Hilder Forest Tab
Ingkells (Battle Icon)
The mountain terrain here is so rugged, you'll rarely find any trolls, let alone humans. That's why this is the perfect spot to hide out if you don't want to be seen.
~ Ingkells on West Hilder Forest
Battle given by: Ingkells
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Bonus Mission
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement Gold Gained
10 Obtain Matur Hair 900 Gold (Icon)
15 Kill 5 Jellies with small bombs (P) 1,100 Gold (Icon)
10 Defeat 5 trolls with kicks (P) 1,100 Gold (Icon)
10 Obtain 3 Life Erg Crystals 900 Gold (Icon)
15 Defeat Arteoul with objects (P) 1,300 Gold (Icon)
Oath of Honor
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement EXP Gained
20 Incapacitated < 3 times 12,600 Experience (Icon)
20 Win without wearing armor 13,900 Experience (Icon)
25 Win without repairing armor 14,400 Experience (Icon)
30 Season of Macha (difficulty up) 17,800 Experience (Icon)
West Hilder Forest
Hilder Forest Ruins
Location Hilder Forest Ruins
Prerequisites Investigation

(At least 100 BP)

Leads to Forest Ruins

(At least 100 BP)

Mission Defeat Matur

(30 BP given)

Time limit 60 minutes
Battle limit No Limits
Minimum level 54
Recommended 58
Mid boss(es) Arteoul
End Boss(es) Matur
Evil Cores Max: 4
Min: 2
Ability Points (AP) Max: 35 Ability Point (Icon)
Min: 10 Ability Point (Icon)
Rewards 4,900 Gold (Icon)
36,000 Experience (Icon)
