Vindictus Wiki
Vindictus Wiki
Nexon Logo (Icon) This article has been marked as incomplete for the following reason:

Missing dialogue. Story has no dialogue in game yet.

Please improve the article or discuss the issue on the talk page.

Trade Seals of Dedication Req. Level: n/a
You must have completed the story "[[]]".
Royal Army Recruit (NPC) Royal Army Recruit (NPC)
Starts with Royal Army Recruit Ends with Royal Army Recruit
Steps to Completing:
1. Talk to Royal Army Recruit at the Dock in Colhen or Rocheste


Chest (Icon)Reward 0 Gold (Icon) 0 Experience (Icon) 0 Ability Point (Icon)

Story Dialogue
Talk to the Royal Army Recruit in Colhen or the Royal Army Recruit in Rocheste.

Talk to the Royal Army Recruit.

Royal Army Recruit (NPC Icon) Royal Army Recruit

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You completed the Story: Trade Seals of Dedication.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: You have received 0 EXP.