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The Howling Soul Tab
Gwynn (Battle Icon)
You should know who they're trying to revive... Quickly now, or you'll be too late!
~ Gwynn on The Howling Soul
Battle given by: Gwynn
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Bonus Mission
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement Gold Gained
10 Obtain Soul Essence 1,400 Gold (Icon)
10 Obtain Gold Ore 1,800 Gold (Icon)
15 Defeat Imich with normal attacks (P) 1,900 Gold (Icon)
10 Equipment destroyed < 5 times 1,400 Gold (Icon)
Oath of Honor
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement EXP Gained
10 Win within 20 min 13,800 Experience (Icon)
20 Win with 4 or fewer players 18,500 Experience (Icon)
20 Win without HP Potions 18,500 Experience (Icon)
10 Win without using Phoenix Feathers 14,000 Experience (Icon)
25 Season of Macha (difficulty up) 23,500 Experience (Icon)
The Howling Soul
Hoarfrost Depths
Location Hoarfrost Depths
Prerequisites Unfinished Business

(At least 100 BP)

Leads to None
Mission Defeat Cold Imich (*P)

(30 BP given)

Time limit 60 minutes
Battle limit No Limits
Minimum level 52
Recommended 56
Mid boss(es) None
End Boss(es) Cold Imich
Evil Cores Max: 3
Min: 1
Ability Points (AP) Max: 50 Ability Point (Icon)
Min: 10 Ability Point (Icon)
Rewards 6,400 Gold (Icon)
58,800 Experience (Icon)
