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The Five Spider Brothers Tab
Gallagher (Battle Icon)
You know Spider Webs can be be sold for a nice profit. Why don't you bring back some. I'll sell them at a good price for ya. Okay?
~ Gallagher on The Five Spider Brothers
Battle given by: Gallagher
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Bonus Mission
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement Gold Gained
10 Obtain Soldier Spider Web 700 Gold (Icon)
15 Kill Black Soldier Spider with kicks (P) 1,200 Gold (Icon)
30 Kill White Soldier Spider with bombs (P) 800 Gold (Icon)
15 Equipment destroyed < 5 times 900 Gold (Icon)
Oath of Honor
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement EXP Gained
20 Win without repairing armor 5,500 Experience (Icon)
40 Season of Macha (difficulty up) 9,300 Experience (Icon)
The Five Spider Brothers
Ruins of Sanctity
Location Ruins of Sanctity
Prerequisites Ruins of Sanctity

(At least 100 BP)

Leads to Goliath

(At least 100 BP)

Mission Defeat the Black Soldier Spider (*P)

(30 BP given)

Time limit 60 minutes
Battle limit No Limits
Minimum level 36
Recommended 40
Mid boss(es) ???
End Boss(es) Soldier Spider, Red Soldier Spider, Striped Soldier Spider, White Soldier Spider, Black Soldier Spider
Evil Cores Max: 4
Min: 2
Ability Points (AP) Max: 30 Ability Point (Icon)
Min: 5 Ability Point (Icon)
Rewards 3,400 Gold (Icon)
15,800 Experience (Icon)


  • There are two Erg Pots in this dungeon - The first can be found in Area 1, just on the left at the beginning. The second can be found in Area 2, above the stairs in the last room. You can destroy it by using spear.
  • There is one ore deposits in this battle. Area 3, Path 2, located on the right side as soon as you walk into the last room where the Five Spider Brothers show up under the arch in the wall.


  • In Mabinogi: Fantasy Life, there is a similar dungeon to The Five Spider Brothers in which it hosted three different colored Giant Spiders as the end boss.
