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The Duke
The Duke (Enemy)
Type Vampire
Location Ainle
(Boss of Depths of Ainle)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 31 Exp: 864 HP by Group Size - 1: 20,358 2: 27,1443: 35,287 4: 46,145
Att: 4,525 Def: 2,343 Crit: 24 Res: 33 CritDmg: 130%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode LeatherLeather Sheath, Vampire Essence, Cloth, Duke's Tunic Advanced Enhancement Stone, Fine Enchant Scroll
Hero Mode LeatherLeather Sheath, Vampire Essence, Cloth, Duke's Tunic Advanced Enhancement Stone, Enhancement Elixir, Epic Enhancement Stone, Fine Enchant Scroll, Stone Enchant Scroll
Break Offs

Quest-Only Drops[]

Break Off Tips[]

  • Location: Right Arm (Spear)
    • Number of hits: 5 (1 hit per flinch, 5 times)
    • Tips: Spear, smashes.
    • Reward:

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Spreads his arms while leaning backwards, then leaps forward and then leaps backwards. He has a very long recovery time for this. This is also a smash. (same as Blood Prince)
  • Sets his spear on fire, then strikes once.
  • Stabs forward once, then stabs again (can track).
  • Stabs forward once, stabs forward again, and stab forward a third time. Can track your movement.
  • If his spear is broken, can swipe with his normal hand once (very short range)
  • If his spear is broken, can use a fireball throw, he waves it around to do an AOE attack before throwing it and exploding on contact to do AOE damage. (same as Blood Prince)

Tips & Advice[]

  • When the Duke's break has been obtained, his melee range is significantly reduced. He will tend to spam fireballs more instead of slashing.

Additional Notes[]

  • The Duke has a break point, which can be easily obtained through the use of sticky bombs. There are two crates that restock sticky bombs over time in the battle area. Each crate gives 4 sticky bombs.

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