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The Contract Tab
Riordan (Battle Icon)
If you use the completed mirror, you should know where to go. Get going immediately. I have no patience for cowards and slackers.
~ Riordan on The Contract
Battle given by: Riordan
Related stories:


Bonus Mission
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement Gold Gained
10 Obtain Larken's Skull Ornament 1,200 Gold (Icon)
20 Destroy a part of Larken (P) 1,700 Gold (Icon)
20 Destroy a part of Prompush (P) 1,700 Gold (Icon)
20 Destroy a part of Jagursh (P) 1,700 Gold (Icon)
20 Destroy a part of Kanjel (P) 1,700 Gold (Icon)
10 Equipment destroyed < 5 times 1,100 Gold (Icon)
Oath of Honor
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement EXP Gained
20 Equipment destroyed < 10 times (P) 18,100 Experience (Icon)
20 Win without repairing armor 18,100 Experience (Icon)
20 Equipment destroyed < 6 times (P) 19,200 Experience (Icon)
30 Season of Macha (difficulty up) 21,800 Experience (Icon)
The Contract
Fomorian Base
Location Fomorian Base
Prerequisites Another Storeroom

(At least 100 BP)
(At least 100 BP)
The Investigation
(At least 100 BP)

Leads to The Giant

(At least 100 BP)

Mission Defeat Raiding Party Captain Larken (*P)

(30 BP given)

Time limit 60 minutes
Battle limit No Limits
Minimum level 59
Recommended 62
Mid boss(es) Information Chief Kanjel, Spear Instructor Jagursh, Explosives Expert Prompush
End Boss(es) Raiding Party Captain Larken
Evil Cores Max: 4
Min: 3
Ability Points (AP) Max: 50 Ability Point (Icon)
Min: 20 Ability Point (Icon)
Rewards 6,700 Gold (Icon)
48,400 Experience (Icon)
