Vindictus Wiki
Sturdy Emuloch
Sturdy Emuloch (Enemy)
Type Kobold
Location Hoarfrost Hollow
(Boss of Kobold Chief, Prepare for Counterattack)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 24 Exp: 402 HP by Group Size - 1: 19,508 2: 26,0103: 33,813 4: 44,217
Att: 2,543 Def: 1,345 Crit: 25 Res: 26 CritDmg: 130%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Difficulty Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Average Kobold Cloth, Blade Armor Fragment, Cloth, Destroyed Spiked Shield, Kobold Greaves, Kobold Red Metal, Kobold Shoulder Plate Kobold Chief Helmet, Northern Pike Boots, Northern Pike Greaves, Northern Pike Head Guard, Northern Pike Shoulder Guard, Northern Pike Vambrace, Avenger Eye Enhancement Stone
Hero Mode Average Kobold Cloth, Blade Armor Fragment, Cloth, Destroyed Spiked Shield, Kobold Greaves, Kobold Red Metal, Kobold Shoulder Plate Kobold Chief Helmet, Northern Pike Boots, Northern Pike Greaves, Northern Pike Head Guard, Northern Pike Shoulder Guard, Northern Pike Vambrace Bloodlust Enchant Scroll, Decisive Enchant Scroll, Enhancement Elixir, Enhancement Stone, Epic Enhancement Stone, Heavy Enchant Scroll, Kobold Enchant Scroll, Illusion Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Break Off Tips[]

  • Location: Left Arm
    • Number of hits: 3 (1 hit per flinch, 3 times)
    • Tips: Spear or smashes. Emuloch moves slow, so run away from him to line up a spear. The spear must hit his arm: the shield does not count (as the spear will fly through it). LR combos are great at hitting this break, or Mana Mines for Staff Evie. Counterattacks as Fiona make it almost laughably easy.
    • Reward: Destroyed Spiked Shield

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Swipe: Flings at the air around him with his right/left arm. (Normal)
  • Smash: Smashes the ground in front of him with his right arm. Either his arm will get stuck for a second as he pulls it out of the ground, or else he will follow it up with a second smash with his left arm. The second smash will continue to track the direction of his target and has a long forward range. Getting hit by either attack will cause you to bleed, losing health for several seconds.
  • Turtle: Curls up into a ball of spikes. Will either get up right away or stay in that position for a couple seconds and then fling out his right, then left arm around him (Normal)

Tips & Advice[]

Additional Notes[]

Formerly dropped *Ice Energy Stone during Resenlian's Healing Rune Machine before an Evie revamp, which removed the healing machine from the game.

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