Vindictus Wiki
Sticky Bomb
Sticky Bombs
Secondary Weapon Sell Price 210 Gold (Icon)
Restriction (Icon)
Rank Secondary Weapon Prof. C and above.
A secondary weapon that sticks to a target before it explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies as well. It also creates a powerful shockwave if it lands close to its target.
Only damages enemies.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

How to Obtain[]

Purchased from

in stacks of 4 for 15 Seal of Dedication

Crafted by Ferghus or Brakis after the battle quest The Blood Prince

Fee: 1200 Gold (Icon)
for stack of 2 Iron Ore  Iron Ore x 4
Gunpowder  Gunpowder x 4
Fine Metal Solvent  Fine Metal Solvent x 2


  • The number of Sticky Bombs permitted in a battle depends on the difficulty. If running the battle on normal mode, you can bring 8 Bombs. If running the battle on hard mode or hero mode, you can only bring 4.
  • Sticky Bombs only stick to enemies and pets. They do not stick to surfaces, objects, or other players.
  • Sticky Bombs can be used for Break Offs. However, the bomb must be attached near or on the break-off part.
  • Sticky Bombs are the only secondary weapon that can get break offs on Ahglan in Ahglan the Golem.