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Small, Cute, and Red Req. Level: 32
You must have completed the story "Excuse".
Tieve (NPC) Tieve (NPC)
Starts with Tieve Ends with Tieve
Steps to Completing:
1. Talk to Tieve at the Inn.
2. Talk to Clodagh at the General Store.
3. Find a Small Blood Jelly in Battle Quest Ulchas's Relic.
Dropped by Greed
4. Talk to Tieve at the Inn.
5. Talk to Shayla at The Forge.
6. Complete the Battle Quest Red Archer.
7. Talk to Tieve at the Inn.
8. Talk to Brynn at the Magic Laboratory.
9. Find a Small Red Spider in the Battle Quest Spider Overload.
10. Talk to Tieve at the Inn.
Chest (Icon)Reward 4,000 Gold (Icon) 38,600 Experience (Icon) 0 Ability Point (Icon)
[[Image:{{{1}}}.png|40px]]   [[{{{1}}}]]
Story Dialogue
Tieve seems excited about something. Talk to her.
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve

Hi, <Lethor>!

Did you hear about the adorable red critters?
Oh, I'd love to see one in person.

Just thinking about them puts a smile on my face!

What adorable red critter could she mean? Ask Tieve's childhood friends: Marrec, Clodagh, and Brynn. (Optional: Talk to Marrec.)
Marrec (NPC Icon) Marrec

Eh, adorable red critters? Apples? Strawberries? I really don't

What adorable red critter could she mean? Ask Tieve's childhood friends: Marrec, Clodagh, and Brynn. (Optional: Talk to Brynn.)
Brynn (NPC Icon) Brynn

You interrupted me to inquire about adorable red

Please, bother someone else with that nonsense.

What adorable red critter could she mean? Ask Tieve's childhood friends: Marrec, Clodagh, and Brynn.
Clodagh (NPC Icon) Clodagh

Adorable red critters? I know exactly what
Tieve means.

Blood Jellies! They're vibrant, soft, and have
such glowing skin.

I'm sure that's what Tieve means. Find her one. She'll go
crazy with joy!

(Optional: Talk to Clodagh again.)
Clodagh (NPC Icon) Clodagh

I know Tieve meant a Blood Jelly.
I'm sure of it.

(Optional: Talk to Tieve again.)
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve


It's very kind of you to offer to find an adorable red critter for me,
but please don't trouble yourself.

I'd much rather you stay safe.

Find a Small Blood Jelly in Battle Quest Ulchas's Relic and deliver it to Tieve.
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve


Oh, is this for me?

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[Small Blood Jelly|Small Blood Jelly]]
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve

Why, it's a Blood Jelly. Thank you so much. It's quite pretty.

(You ask Tieve if this was the adorable red critter she mentioned

Hm? Oh, no. This isn't what I mean.

Oh no, did you venture someplace dangerous just to get the Blood
Jelly for me?

No, please don't do that. When I mentioned wanting to
see those adorable red critters in person, I was just talking.

Please, don't do anything dangerous on my behalf.

If it wasn't a Blood Jelly, what adorable red critter could Tieve have meant? Ask Gallagher or Shayla. They usually know what's going on around town. (Optional: Talk to Gallagher.)
Gallagher (NPC Icon) Gallagher

You want to hear about adorable red critters? Then pay me. Ain't
no such thing as a free lunch, rookie.

If it wasn't a Blood Jelly, what adorable red critter could Tieve have meant? Ask Gallagher or Shayla. They usually know what's going on around town.
Shayla (NPC Icon) Shayla

Hey, <Lethor>. What brings you here?
Miss me or something?

Eh, you're looking for some adorable red critters?
That's easy enough. Red Sentinels!

Vibrant color. Hard skin. Impressive weapons! Ask
anyone. That's the most adorable red critter out there.

Talk to Tieve after you return from Battle Quest Red Archer.

[After completing Red Archer, the above changes to "Tell Tieve that bringing back a Red Sentinel for her could be...difficult."]

Tell Tieve that bringing back a Red Sentinel for her could be...difficult.
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve

What? You want to bring me a Red Sentinel? Oh my...

Oh! The critter I'm talking about isn't that big. But I'm
very grateful for your offer.

If you're that curious about the critter, you can ask Brynn.
He knows all about it.

But don't go looking for one. The place those critters live is very

You've already come so far. Might as well go talk to Brynn and find out what the adorable red critter is.
Brynn (NPC Icon) Brynn

You're back. Goodie. And I see you're still obsessed with
that adorable red critter.

Why do you care so much anyway?

Oh! This is for Tieve? Well, actually, yes, there was a
new area I've been investigating...

A place where a kobold resides with his pet spiders...

Nyle (NPC Icon) Nyle


Brynn (NPC Icon) Brynn

But the place is dangerous. Do not venture there without proper

Nyle (NPC Icon) Nyle


Brynn (NPC Icon) Brynn

But you can probably handle it, for Tieve's sake.

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You received information on Battle: Spider Overload.
Brynn (NPC Icon) Brynn

Head out to find an adorable red critter for Tieve. Tieve's always
right, you know. I mean, she's the oracle...

(Optional: Talk to Tieve.)
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve


Please don't go out of your way for me. I'm sure the adorable red
critter likes it's home just where it is.

Find a Small Red Spider in Battle Quest Spider Overload and deliver it to Tieve.
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve


Oh my...!

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[Small Red Spider|Small Red Spider]]
Tieve (NPC Icon) Tieve

A small red spider. How adorable! I didn't think you'd really go get
this for me.

Thank you. Here, take this Red Spider Gem. It's
the least I can do.

Hehe, it's red, too. Actually, this gem is supposed to have
the power to control spiders... I think kobolds do it.

But I'm not sure what affect the gem has on humans.
But perhaps you'll still find some use for it!

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Red Spider Gem