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Skill books no longer used, need updated dialogue. Dialogue spacing needs fixing as well.

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Story: Clash Req. Level:
You must have completed the story "Decisive Battle".
Marrec (NPC) Marrec (NPC)
Starts with Marrec Ends with Marrec
Steps to Completing:
1. Talk to Marrec after defeating the Red Gnoll Chieftain in Decisive Battle.
2. Advance the skill Boss Bash to rank D.
3. Talk to Marrec.
Chest (Icon)Reward 0 Gold (Icon) 2700 Experience (Icon) 0 Ability Point (Icon)
Clash (Skill)   Clash F
Story Dialogue
Talk to Marrec.
Marrec (NPC Icon) Marrec

You know, I've never seen anyone battle the Gnoll Chieftain head on.
When he swings that hammer of his, most people have no choice but to dodge.
But you! I think you're big enough to give him a run for his money. With the Clash skill, you be able to grab
his hammer and face off in a battle of strength. Interested? Then improve your Boss Bash skill
and I'll give you Skill Book: Clash.

Advance the Boss Bash skill to at least rank D then go see Marrec.
Marrec (NPC Icon) Marrec

(Marrec gives you a onceover.)
Good. I'll give you Clash now.
Remember, the Clash skill isn't about brute strength.
It's about timing. Watch your enemy, wait for the opportune moment, then block your enemy's attack!
If you're timing it right, that'll trigger the Clash. After that, it's just about how well you can endure.
Not all attacks can trigger a Clash, but a lot of the most dangerous ones will, so the skill should prove useful. Good luck!

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You learned the skill: Clash.
You've reached Clash Rank F!