Vindictus Wiki
Weapon, Twin Swords Sell Price 479 Gold (Icon)
135 stones

ATT +4,337;  Balance +75;  Critical Rate +40;  STR +31;  AGI +57;   

Restriction (Icon)
Only for Lann, Vella.
For levels 48 and above.
Rank Twin Sword Mastery B and above.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

A sword given its name as it is advised that the opponent silently vacate the premise before a battle emerges against the owner of this sword. The name is also said to come from the eternal silence of death the sword brings its opponent.

How to Obtain[]

Dropped by

Crafted by Ferghus after the battle quest Madness

Fee: 26,700 Gold (Icon)
Superior Iron Ore  Superior Iron Ore x 10
Source of Strength  Source of Strength x 3
Ice Jelly  Ice Jelly x 5
Essence of Madness  Essence of Madness x 5

Crafted with the Weaponsmithing expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 280 Superior Hilt  Superior Hilt x 1
Superior Iron Ore  Superior Iron Ore x 6
Source of Strength  Source of Strength x 2
Ice Spirit Remnant  Ice Spirit Remnant x 4
Ice Jelly  Ice Jelly x 7
Essence of Madness  Essence of Madness x 7

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