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Magpie Ring
Rocheste Magician Guild Seal
Accessory, Ring Sell Price 369 Gold (Icon)
Unique Item

STR +44;  AGI +17;  INT +64;  WIL +20;   

Restriction (Icon)
For levels 50 and above.
Part of Ivory Set
Set bonus:

• 2: DEF +125, STR +10, AGI +8, INT +11
• 3: DEF +188, STR +28, AGI +16, INT +28

Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

A ring worn only by the upper level magicians who belong to the Rocheste Magician Guild. Reilly says that it can be bought at the Rocheste Magician Guild giftshop for 50 gold.

How to Obtain[]

Crafted by Brynn after the battle quest Irukul

Fee: 20,100 Gold (Icon)
Mana Dust  Mana Dust x 14
Magic-infused Stone  Magic-infused Stone x 15
Tattoo of Dominion  Tattoo of Dominion x 10
Ephnesien Heart  Ephnesien Heart x 2

Crafted with the Goldsmithing expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 290 Mana Dust  Mana Dust x 14
Magic-infused Stone  Magic-infused Stone x 15
Tattoo of Dominion  Tattoo of Dominion x 10
Ephnesien Heart  Ephnesien Heart x 2
