Vindictus Wiki
Nesien (Enemy)
Type Wisp
Location Hoarfrost Depths
(Boss of Two Moons)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 56 Exp: 882 HP by Group Size - 1: 20,351 2: 27,1353: 35,276 4: 46,130
Att: 7,397 Def: 3,853 Crit: 34 Res: 39 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Ice Spirit Remnant, Life Erg Crystal, Magic-infused Stone, Magic Powder, Mana Dust, Nesien Heart, Spirit Remnant
Hero Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Ice Spirit Remnant, Life Erg Crystal, Magic-infused Stone, Magic Powder, Mana Dust, Nesien Heart, Spirit Remnant

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Shoots 3 blasts of frost, one after another. The three beams are shot one after another, in a narrow arc, and causes Freezing.
  • Rises up and then charges at a player (normal attack).
  • Wobbles a little then wildly moves around as an attack, smashing players.

Tips & Advice[]

Additional Notes[]

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