Vindictus Wiki
Vindictus Wiki
For a related variant, see Matur (Veteran).
Matur (Enemy)
Type Troll
Location Hilder Forest Ruins
(Boss of West Hilder Forest)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 58 Exp: 1,890 HP by Group Size - 1: 24,098 2: 32,1303: 41,769 4: 54,621
Att: 7,737 Def: 4,828 Crit: 32 Res: 40 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Ebony Cloth, Fine Cloth, Fine Leather, Obsidian, Matur Hair Epic Enhancement Stone, Scholar's Enchant Scroll
Hero Mode Ebony Cloth, Fine Cloth, Fine Leather, Obsidian, Matur Hair Epic Enhancement Stone, Scholar's Enchant Scroll, Surging Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Single shoulder charge.
  • Shoulder Tackle.
  • Throws a dark sphere at the player.
  • Throw a large rock, using 2 hands.
  • Stops and eats a Bloody Shade.
  • After eating Bloody Shade, he will be enraged, causing him to attack very fast, usually the pattern for his attack when he enraged is 3 dark sphere throw, then charge, then throw rock.

Tips & Advice[]

  • Chain Hooks are extremely effective.
  • Try not to get hit by the "dark sphere" (the small rock he throw at you), because it will place a debuff on you which make your action consume more stamina.
  • Try to interrupt him if you see him eating Bloody Shade
  • Watch out where you are, because the area you fight him can be very narrow.

Additional Notes[]

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