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Marvelous Emaighsoch
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Type Kobold
Location Hoarfrost Depths
(Boss of Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 52 Exp: 1,536 HP by Group Size - 1: 21,938 2: 29,2503: 38,025 4: 49,725
Att: 6,730 Def: 3,499 Crit: 34 Res: 37 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]

Emaighosch Conqueror


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Fine Kobold Cloth, Gold Ore, Magic Powder, Mana Dust, Kobold Shaman Staff, Kobold Shaman's Book, Silver Ore Epic Enhancement Stone
Hero Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Fine Kobold Cloth, Gold Ore, Magic Powder, Mana Dust, Kobold Shaman Staff, Kobold Shaman's Book, Silver Ore Adjusted Enchant Scroll, Empowered Enhancement Stone, Enhanced Enchant Scroll, Enhancement Elixir, Epic Enhancement StoneHateful Enchant Scroll, Intense Enchant Scroll, Ornate Enchant Scroll, Relentless Enchant Scroll, Sage's Enchant Scroll, Toughness Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Summons a Kobold Bomber that chases you and will explode when you touch or attack it.
  • Summons ball of fire that floats in the air and will explode and lights you On Fire when you touch or attack it.
  • Lights himself on fire with magic, if you are near him when he does this you will also be lit on fire.
  • Uses staff to blast fire at you, he will track the player he's going to blast while charging the attack; if you are hit by this attack you will be lit on fire.

Tips & Advice[]

  • This boss will summon wind up dolls that chase you and explode on impact, he will also summon balls of fire that float in the air, these balls of fire will explode and light you on fire when you touch them. You can use a spear, bomb, throwable object or Evie's long range attacks to safely destroy both the wind up doll and floating balls of fire from a distance.
  • Vella's Backlash can knock the ball of fire (mana mine) back to Emaighsoch, dealing heavy damage.

Additional Notes[]

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