DEF +533; STR +27; AGI +36; WIL +23; CRIT RST +6; | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Can use all forms of trade
This shield is as sturdy as a brick wall. It symbolizes a knight's unyielding determination to fight to the very end.
How to Obtain[]
- Crafted by Ferghus after the battle quest The Howling Soul
Fee: 19,400
Superior Iron Ore x 6
Emblem of Resurrection x 4
Soul Essence x 5
Imich Armor Fragment x 2
- Crafted with the Armorsmithing expertise
Recommended expertise proficiency: 230
Exquisite Steel Plate x 1
Superior Iron Ore x 4
Emblem of Resurrection x 2
Soul Essence x 3
Light Erg Crystal x 20
Imich Armor Fragment x 2
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