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Ivory Cross Gun
Ivory Cross Gun
Weapon, Cross Gun Sell Price 5,045 Gold (Icon)
68 stones

ATT +4,719;  Balance +70;  Critical Rate +37;  STR +76;  WIL +18;   

Restriction (Icon)
Only for Kai.
For levels 50 and above.
Rank Cross Gun Mastery B and above.
Part of Ivory Set
Set bonus:

• 2: DEF +125, STR +10, AGI +8, INT +11
• 3: DEF +188, STR +28, AGI +16, INT +28

Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

How to Obtain[]

Crafted by Ferghus after the battle quest Irukul

Fee: 28,300 Gold (Icon)
Superior Iron Ore  Superior Iron Ore x 10
Irukul Tusk  Irukul Tusk x 5
Irukul Fang  Irukul Fang x 2
Ice Crystal  Ice Crystal x 8

Crafted with the Goldsmithing expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 290 Superior Iron Ore  Superior Iron Ore x 1
Irukul Tusk  Irukul Tusk x 7
Ephnesien Heart  Ephnesien Heart x 1
Irukul Fang  Irukul Fang x 4
Ice Crystal  Ice Crystal x 7


Ivory Cross Gun (7 days)[]

  • 7 day time limited version. Once the time runs out, the item becomes unusable.
  • No level requirement
  • Cross Gun Mastery rank A or above required
  • Set not affected

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