Vindictus Wiki
Ice Crystal
Ice Crystal
Sell Price 0 Gold (Icon)
Add this clear, shiny crystal to any drink to make it instantly more refreshing. Required for making Iced Strawberry Brandy, a Colhen specialty.
Found in Hoarfrost Hollow.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

How to Obtain[]

{{#ask:Drop::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by|}} {{#ask:Drop (Normal)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Normal / Hard Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (Hero)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Hero Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (8-29)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Lv. 8-29 Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (30-49)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Lv. 30-49 Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (50-69)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Lv. 50-69 Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (70-80)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Lv. 70-80 Mode only)|}} {{#ask:Drop (Quest)::Ice Crystal|format=ul|intro=Dropped by (Quest)|}}


NPC crafts
  • NOTICE* Ice Crystals are no longer used in Iced Strawberry Brandy, Hoarfrost Hollow Erg Crystals have replaced them in the recipe.
Expertise crafts