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Hall of Fallen Knights Tab
Scroll (Battle Icon)
You must face Eisenritter the Fallen, who has appeared from the flow of time and space.
Hall of Fallen Knights is limited to three successful departure per week.
You won't be able to use certain skills.
Battle Name Hall of Fallen Knights Raid
Mission Defeat Eisenritter the Fallen (*P)
Difficulty Lv.115 or above
Leads to
Location Space Time Distortion

This battle's is limited to 52,850 attack power.

Fatigue Cost: 10%
Quick Battle Optimal Requirements
ATT: 0 DEF: 0 Critical: 0
Balance: 0 Add. Damage: 0 Counterforce: 0
200,000 Gold 2,054,000 Experience (Icon) 200→ Ability Point (Icon)
Battle Limit 3 per week Max Party Size 8 players
Appearance Season 4 Time Limit 60 minutes
Mid Boss(es) None End Boss(es) Eisenritter the Fallen

Quests[ | ]

Quest given by: Ethnill

Monsters[ | ]

End Boss

Additional Information[ | ]

The battle features a stat gate, requiring achieving certain stats limits to enter the battle. The stat gate isn't the same for every region and varies according to publisher's decisions. Only "pure" stats are counted, excluding any buffs or Vanguard stat increases.

RegionStat Requirements
ATT/M.ATTDEFCriticalBalanceCounterforceAdditional DamageATT Surplus

Missions[ | ]

Main Mission[ | ]

Mission Requirement Gold Gained Experience Gained AP Gained
Defeat Eisenritter the Fallen (*P) 200,000 Gold (Icon) 3,000,000 Experience (Icon) 200 Ability Point (Icon)

Recipes[ | ]

Maps[ | ]
