Vindictus Wiki
Gloomy Echapelch
Gloomy Echapelch (Enemy)
Type Kobold
Location Hoarfrost Hollow
(Boss of Spider Overload)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 38 Exp: 864 HP by Group Size - 1: 15,660 2: 20,8803: 27,144 4: 35,496
Att: 4,525 Def: 2,343 Crit: 20 Res: 30 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Red Spider Gem, Average Kobold Cloth, Fine Cloth, Kobold Cloth, Life Spirit Remnant Vigorous Enchant Scroll
Hero Mode Red Spider Gem, Average Kobold Cloth, Fine Cloth, Kobold Cloth, Life Spirit Remnant Vigorous Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Small Red Spider during Small, Cute, and Red

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Swings his axe once, pauses for half a second and swings his axe again.
  • Flees away from the player (this can cause damage)
  • Swings his axe once while turning (if you were behind him)

Tips & Advice[]

  • At the start of the battle, Gloomy Echapelch spawns with 2 Gloomy Soldier Spiders. Two more Gloomy Soldier Spiders will spawn to replace the ones that die. A bunch of Bright Black Spiders spawn as well, but there is a limited amount that will spawn. If you are going for the "stomp 5 Bright Black Spiders" bonus, you'll have to keep the Gloomy Soldier Spiders and Gloomy Echapelch away from them. They can kill the Bright Black Spiders when they try to attack you.

Additional Notes[]

  • Gloomy Echapelch fights exactly like Loud Etunoch, but faster.
  • The spider on Gloomy Echapelch's head is a homage to Valve's headcrab. The headcrab is a creature that attaches itself to another creature's head to control it.

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