For Honor
Req. level
Starts with
Rocheste Castle Guard
Season 1, ep. 1
109,800 42,000
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Unlocked By [ ]
Reach level 40.
NPCs Involved [ ]
Starts with Rocheste Castle Guard
Steps to Completing [ ]
Go to the castle entrance in Rocheste and talk to Rocheste Castle Guard.
Talk to Caryl and Brakis at the bar in Rocheste.
Collect a handkerchief from one of: Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
Collect a second handkerchief from one of (excluding previous choice): Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
Collect a third handkerchief from one of (excluding two previous choices): Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
Talk to Battlemaster at the Rocheste castle entrance.
Reward [ ]
Stories Unlocked [ ]
Story Dialogue [ ]
There will be an important announcement at Rocheste Castle. Talk to Rocheste Castle Guard in front of the Castle.
(A large crowd has gathered in front of the castle.)
(A sudden silence grips the crowd as the castle doors
open and Ronaun appears with his entourage.)
(The crowd erupts as Ronaun waves.)
My people! May the black-winged goddess bless you all.
I come to you today because I know your loss.
I know of the scars the Fomor have inflicted on your families and your hearts.
I know of these things, but I do not fear. I do not fear because there are heroes among us.
(A cheer explodes from the crowd.)
There are heroes among you!
Tomorrow, I will open an arena in my castle. I will allow any warrior to join, to prove themselves a champion of the battlefield so that all can see. It will act as a proving grounds for our greatest heroes.
It will be a display of force to make our enemies tremble.
Challenge your allies, challenge the warrior within, and prove yourself the mightiest warrior in my kingdom.
(Excited murmurs escape the crowd.)
Did you hear that? The king will let us prove ourselves!
I can finally be recognized as the hero I am!
Hey <Lann >, you heard the announcement, right?
Come down to the bar, and we'll talk about how we're going to win this thing.
(You enter the bar to find it packed full of people.)
Hey! <Lann >! Can you believe this crowd? Wait here a second. I'll get you a drink.
(Caryl rushes back to the kitchen. A few brash voices rise above the din of noise, drawing your attention.)
You hear the butcher's son already got him a handkerchief?
I gotta go get one from my lady before she turns on me!
You don't even know how to hold a sword,
what're you gonna do in the arena?!
Have you just been waiting in here for me to buy you a drink?
Smart kid.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Frothy Beer
What do you think about this whole arena business?
You know you need a handkerchief from your sweetheart, right?
Every warrior needs someone to fight for. A handkerchief is a
reminder of why you fight in the first place.
I know I don't come to work without a reminder of MY sweet love
to get me through the day.
I certainly wouldn't walk into a fight without something to lift
my spirits if something goes wrong.
But let me tell you a secret...
(Brakis leans in close whisper.)
There's nothing wrong with going after more than one fish at a time,
you know what I mean?
I'd recommend having at least two or three sweethearts
on your plate at once.
(Brakis pats you hard on the back.)
Just don't tell anybody I said that when you get caught!
Collect handkerchiefs from the townspeople and win a round of deathmatch victorious (Optional: 9 choices (One choice only)).
(Optional: Talk to Aislinn).
You need my handkerchief? Whatever for?
Player Choice: For fight, No reason
(If player selects "No reason")
(If player selects "For fight")
You want to be my champion? How charming.
I happen to have a token for such an occasion.
(Aislinn takes out an ornate handkerchief.)
I always knew my champion would come.
Yes, <Lann >. I believe you will make a fine knight!
(Aislinn gives you a half smile.)
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: Upper Crust .
(Optional: Talk to Clodagh).
Well, yes, I have a handkerchief right here. Why?
Player Choice: Let me borrow it, No reason
(If player selects "No reason")
(If player selects "Let me borrow it")
Okay, but.. Wait... You're not going to fight for
me in the tournament, are you...?
(Clodagh smiles at you shyly as she hands you the handkerchief.)
You really don't have to, but... Good luck,
my knight. Come back victorious!
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: Crazy for Clodagh .
Are you sure?
(It's probably safer to stay out of this...)
Player Choice: Approach, Stay back
(If player selects "Stay back.")
(If player selects "Approach")
(Optional: Talk to Brynn).
(If player goes to Brynn .)
Can you not see I'm busy?
What do you want?
Player Choice: A handkerchief, No Reason
(If player selects "No Reason")
I have little enough time as it is without adventurers
constantly asking me pointless questions...
(If player selects "A handkerchief")
If you will leave me to my research, you may borrow
it. Just be sure to return it clean.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Brynn's Handkerchief
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: The Magician's Hand .
Talk to Brynn after winning a match with his handkerchief
What have you done?
(If player selects "To Fight")
The notion that you were fighting for my honor may be the
stupidest concept I've ever heard you espouse.
Give me my handkerchief back.
I've had a runny nose all day.
Perhaps it was an allergic reaction to your childish desire
to throw your life away in the name of glory.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[Brynn's Handkerchief |Brynn's Handkerchief ]]
Take this and clean yourself up.
I will see if I can give this "honor" back and get something
useful like a nice pair of wool socks for the laboratory.
Now get out of here before I cook up some sleeping gas
to grant the world a brief respite from your ignorance.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You received the title: The Magician's Hand .
(Optional: Talk to Kirstie).
(If player goes to Kirstie .)
Aren't you in a chipper mood today?
What's up?
Player Choice: A handkerchief, No
(If player selects "No.")
okay. Well, stop by whenever you need something.
(If player selects "A handkerchief.")
I don't think I have any handkerchiefs.
Why do you need one? You have a cold?
This is for the tournament, isn't it? You really
want to fight for my honor? How funny!
All right, I'll play along. Just give me a minute.
(Kirstie rummages through the shop, finally
pulling out an old handkerchief.)
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Kirstie's Handkerchief
I used this handkerchief on my very first hunt.
It's the best token of honor I can think of, anyway.
I don't use it much anymore, but go ahead and
take it. For both of our honors.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: Honorable to the End .
(Optional: Talk to Dolores).
Boy, am I glad to see you! My brother forgot
his lunch. I bet he's starving! But I'm stuck here...
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Fresh Baked Bread
Take Fresh Baked Bread to Arthyen
Talk to Arthyen .
Did you bring me bread?
W-why did you do that?
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[Fresh Baked Bread |Fresh Baked Bread ]]
Thanks for b-bringing it all the way here.
I d-don't really have any compensation for you...
I-is there something else you want?
Maybe some spears or wooden planks?
Or you could just leave me alone...
(If player selects "No.")
W-well, swing by if you need something.
(If player selects "A handkerchief.")
(Optional: Talk to Caryl).
(You have to speak up to be heard over the crowd in the bar.)
You hear the latest? They're holding a tournament.
Gallant warriors fighting for their lover's honor...
Do you know who's competing?
Player Choice: Yes, I don't know, A handkerchief
Oh ho, you do? Well, don't keep it to yourself! I won't tell anyone else. I promise.
(If player selects "I don't know")
Let me know if you find out.
I'll tell you if I hear anything, too.
(If player selects "A handkerchief.")
You want my handkerchief? Why would you...
<Lann >, are YOU competing?
Haha! And all this time I thought you were just another kid!
(Caryl hands you a handkerchief identical to the scarf around her neck.)
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: Mysterious Suitor .
Krunk won't believe his ears.
You be careful now, okay?
I'm rooting for you!
(Optional: Talk to Shayla).
You're entering the tournament? I have a proposition.
Would you put this on your weapon when you fight?
(Shayla hands you a handkerchief.)
Player choice: Accept, No
Fine. I can just ask someone else. If you change your mind, come back and I MIGHT take you back.
(If player selects "Accept")
I know how you love fighting for others, and this will prove that my mercenaries are the best.
Win, and we'll bathe in gold.
How could you say no to that?
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You discovered the title: Honor Hunter .
(Optional: Talk to Ferghus).
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: You have received 109,800 EXP.
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: 42,000 gold