Vindictus Wiki
For Honor
Req. level 40
Starts with Rocheste Castle Guard
Appearance Season 1, ep. 1
Type {{{type}}}
109,800 Experience (Icon) 42,000 Gold (Icon)
No Previous stories
No further stories

Unlocked By[]

Reach level 40.

NPCs Involved[]

Starts with Rocheste Castle Guard

Steps to Completing[]

  1. Go to the castle entrance in Rocheste and talk to Rocheste Castle Guard.
  2. Talk to Caryl and Brakis at the bar in Rocheste.
  3. Collect a handkerchief from one of: Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
  4. Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
  5. Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
  6. Collect a second handkerchief from one of (excluding previous choice): Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
  7. Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
  8. Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
  9. Collect a third handkerchief from one of (excluding two previous choices): Aislinn, Brynn, Caryl, Clodagh, Dolores, Ferghus, Kirstie, Nel, Shayla
  10. Win a battle of Guild Deathmatch.
  11. Return the handkerchief to the NPC you got it from.
  12. Talk to Battlemaster at the Rocheste castle entrance.


Stories Unlocked[]

Story Dialogue[]
