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Fight That Must Be Won Tab
Ingkells (Battle Icon)
If this is what you really wish to do... Very well. You may go.
~ Ingkells on Fight That Must Be Won
Battle given by: Ingkells
Related stories:


Bonus Mission
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement Gold Gained
10 Obtain 2 Taonu's Long Fang 1,000 Gold (Icon)
15 Destroy a part of Taonu (P) 1,200 Gold (Icon)
10 Obtain Wild Berry 900 Gold (Icon)
15 Kill King Moss Jelly with small bombs (P) 1,300 Gold (Icon)
Oath of Honor
Battle Points Gained Mission Requirement EXP Gained
25 Win without repairing armor 16,300 Experience (Icon)
20 Win without HP Potions 15,100 Experience (Icon)
20 Win without secondary weapons 16,000 Experience (Icon)
30 Season of Macha (difficulty up) 23,800 Experience (Icon)
Fight That Must Be Won
Hilder Forest Ruins
Location Hilder Forest Ruins
Prerequisites Forest Ruins

(At least 100 BP)

Leads to None
Mission Defeat Taonu (*P)

(30 BP given)

Time limit 60 minutes
Battle limit No Limits
Minimum level 56
Recommended 60
Mid boss(es) King Moss Jelly
End Boss(es) Taonu
Evil Cores Max: 4
Min: 4
Ability Points (AP) Max: 50 Ability Point (Icon)
Min: 10 Ability Point (Icon)
Rewards 5,900 Gold (Icon)
48,000 Experience (Icon)


  • There is one ore deposit in Area 1, near the end of the area by the stairs.
  • There is one ore deposit in Area 3 near the end of the area. Look behind a leaning pillar on the right of the dark hallway.
