Vindictus Wiki
Southern Winter Long Boots
Exquisite Southern Winter Long Boots
Cloth Armor, Boots Sell Price 3,275 Gold (Icon)
1 stones

DEF +275;  INT +100;  WIL +8;  CRIT RST +11;   

Restriction (Icon)
Only for Fiona, Evie, Vella, Lynn, Arisha.
For levels 48 and above.
Rank Cloth Armor Proficiency B and above.

• 2: DEF +44, INT +5
• 3: DEF +88, INT +10
• 4: DEF +132, INT +15
• 5: DEF +179, INT +23

Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

Armor made of Ezroch's hide. It's said that Ezroch's hide is imbued with energy, granting power. However, equipping this item too long may enrage the wearer, resulting in self-destruction.

How to Obtain[]

Crafted by Clodagh after the battle quest Madness

Fee: 17,700 Gold (Icon)
Superior Cloth  Superior Cloth x 8
Ezroch Claw  Ezroch Claw x 10
Golden Scale Fragment  Ezroch Golden Scale x 3
Essence of Madness  Essence of Madness x 1

Crafted with the Tailoring expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 190 Superior Cloth  Superior Cloth x 6
Eniloch Boots  Eniloch Boots x 1
Spider Drill Claw  Spider Drill Claw x 7
Ezroch Claw  Ezroch Claw x 7
Golden Scale Fragment  Ezroch Golden Scale x 3

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