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DevCAT Face (Icon) This event has ended and is no longer available.

This event was available from 12/15 - 12/28 2011.

Event: Making Little Men Req. Level: 20
Nel (NPC) Nel (NPC)
Starts with Nel Ends with Nel
Steps to Completing:
1. Talk to Nel at the Royal Army Base.
2. Find 1 Simple Flour, 1 Butter, 1 Egg, 1 Cinnamon Powder, 1 Sugar, 1 Ginger Powder, 1 Lemon.
» All items can be acquired on Caryl's expertise shop.
3. Talk to Nel at the Royal Army Base. Receive Cooking: Christmas Cookie.
4. Make 3 Gingerbread Man cookies and 3 Snowman Delight cookies.
» You can get the recipes for Cooking by reading the book you just received.
5. Talk to Nel at the Royal Army Base.
Chest (Icon)Reward 0 Gold (Icon) 0 Experience (Icon) 0 Ability Point (Icon)
Title (Icon)   Title
Master Baker
Story Dialogue
Nel is looking for you. Go talk to her.
Nel (NPC Icon) Nel

<Evie>! <Evie>! Perfect timing!
I need your help!

It's cookie season! I want to bake!
But I need some ingredients. Let's see...

(Nel pulls out a list and squints at it.)
Flour. butter, eggs, sugar...

Cinnamon powder, ginger powder, and lemon!
Easy! I can taste the gingerbread already!

I'm going to need LOTS of ingredients, because I'm going to make LOTS of cookies!

As for where to get them... How would I know?
I have total faith in you, <Evie>!

Collect 1 of each of the following, and take them to Nel: Simple Flour, Butter, Egg, Cinnamon Powder, Sugar, Lemon, Ginger Powder
Nel (NPC Icon) Nel

Yippee! You got everything! Here, take this recipe sheet.

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Reward: Cooking: Christmas Cookie
Nel (NPC Icon) Nel

I've never worked an oven before in my life!
I'm a viscountess, you know...

So YOU do it first. Make sure they're good.
If they are, I'll bake some for Riordan.

There are two recipies. One for Gingerbread Men and one for Snowmen Delights! Make 3 of each.

Make 3 Gingerbread Man cookies and 3 Snowman Delight cookies for Nel.
Nel (NPC Icon) Nel

Done already? Let me take a big bite...

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[3 Gingerbread Man|3 Gingerbread Man]]
[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
Delivered [[3 Snowman Delight|3 Snowman Delight]]
Nel (NPC Icon) Nel

(Nel's eyes light up as she chews.)
Delicious! I'm going to bake up a whole batch!

Only... I think I'm going to bake in a "special" herb I have into the batch I make. My cookies are going to be amazing!

I'll give half to Riordan. The other half, I'm keeping for myself!

[[File:{{{npc}}} (NPC Icon).png|text-bottom|35px]] [[{{{npc}}}]]
You received the title: Master Baker.