Vindictus Wiki
Dim Gray
Dim Gray (Enemy)
Type Gnoll
Location Prairie Entrance, Ruins of Sanctity
(Boss of Prairie Gnoll, Sub Boss of Gnoll King, Ruler of the Ruins)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 38 Exp: 864 HP by Group Size - 1: 14,681 2: 19,5753: 25,448 4: 33,278
Att: 4,525 Def: 2,343 Crit: 24 Res: 30 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Fobellow Tin, Gnoll Battle Boots, Gnoll Battle Hammer, Gnoll Cloth Skirt, Gnoll Hard Leather, Gnoll Scaled Skirt, Gnoll Skull, Gray Scale Fragment, Iron Spike, Spiked Scale Tunic Dim Gray Twin Spears, Dim Gray Hammer Advanced Enhancement Stone
Hero Mode Fobellow Tin, Gnoll Battle Boots, Gnoll Battle Hammer, Gnoll Cloth Skirt, Gnoll Hard Leather, Gnoll Scaled Skirt, Gnoll Skull, Gray Scale Fragment, Iron Spike, Spiked Scale Tunic Dim Gray Twin Spears, Dim Gray Hammer, Light Plate Chestpiece Advanced Enhancement Stone, Enhancement Elixir, Epic Enhancement Stone, Force Enchant Scroll, Honed Enchant Scroll, Maelstrom Enchant Scroll, Quality Enchant Scroll, Sentinel Enchant Scroll,

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Has a fast sliding smash attack.

Tips & Advice[]

  • Fight him like the same way you would do to the Gnoll Chieftain.
  • Chain Hook hits on his legs are effective at rendering him temporarily vulnerable.

Additional Notes[]

  • Dim Gray's weapon is on fire - therefore, if you're hit by it, you will be On Fire.
  • As a Sub Boss, his appearance starts the timer for Everwhite.

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