Vindictus Wiki
Death Crown
Death Crown
Weapon, Battle Scythe Sell Price 277 Gold (Icon)
47 stones

ATT +3,137;  M. ATT +2,730;  Balance +70;  Critical Rate +26;  STR +32;  INT +31;   

Restriction (Icon)
Only for Evie.
For levels 35 and above.
Rank Battle Scythe Mastery D and above.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

A scythe that resembles a dark lord of death wearing a silvery gray crown. It is also called a reaper's weapon, because it's said no one has ever survived against this scythe.

How to Obtain[]

Dropped by

Crafted with the Weaponsmithing expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 170 Fine Hilt  Fine Hilt x 1
Fine Iron Ore  Fine Iron Ore x 6
Gold Ore  Gold Ore x 4
Golden Scale Fragment  Golden Scale Fragment x 6
Goliath Back Leg Tendon  Goliath Back Leg Tendon x 2
Gnoll Hero Blood  Gnoll Hero Blood x 2

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