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Character Stats[]

Stat attributes directly affect how well your character performs in battle. Different stats affect your character in different ways.

Base Stats[]

STR (Strength)[]

  • Increases the damage dealt by your physical attacks.
    • Every 1 point of Strength increases ATT by exactly 2.7.
  • Only for STR-based characters who use ATT, Strength has the following effects:
    • Increases Critical Damage by 0.015% (capped at 30% for 2,000 STR).
    • Allows to pick up heavier objects.
      • Objects marked with a white hand can be picked up with no stamina penalty.
      • Objects marked with a orange hand slowly drains the stamina pool while being held.
      • Objects marked with a red hand cannot be picked up at all.

AGI (Agility)[]

  • Increases your Defense.
    • Every 2 points of Agility increases DEF by 1 (capped at 1,000 for 2,000 Agility).
  • Allows your Stamina to regenerate faster.
    • Every 105 points of Agility reduces time to full stamina regeneration by 0.3 seconds.
  • Allows you to recover from being knocked down faster.
  • Lann only: Increases the damage of all Twin Spear Smash attacks except Tail Piercing.
    • Every 40 points of Agility increases Twin Spear Smash Damage by by 1%.
  • Lann only: Increases the damage of Gliding Fury and Lightning Fury.
    • Every 47 points of Agility increases Gliding Fury and Lightning Fury Damage by 1%.
  • Lann only: Increases the damage of Active: Fury No.7.
    • Every 38 points of Agility increases Furious Seven Damage by 1%.

INT (Intelligence)[]

  • Shortens the time between obtaining bonus AP through Meditation.
    • Every 1 points of Intelligence decreases the bonus AP time by 0.15 second. This is capped at 2,000 Intelligence for a reduction of 300 seconds.
  • Increases the damage done by your magic attacks.
    • Every 1 point of Intelligence increases M. ATT by 2.
  • Only for INT-based characters who use M. ATT, Intelligencehas the following effects:
    • Increases Critical Damage by 0.015% (capped at 30% for 2,000 INT).
    • Allows to pick up heavier objects.
      • Objects marked with a white hand can be picked up with no stamina penalty.
      • Objects marked with a orange hand slowly drains the stamina pool while being held.
      • Objects marked with a red hand cannot be picked up at all.

WIL (Willpower)[]

  • Decreases your chance of being knocked down or incapacitated.
    • Life flare activation bonus chance is equal to 30% at 2,000 Willpower (or .015% per Willpower at or below 2,000)
  • Willpower increases Critical Rate at the rate of 0.0075% for every 1 Will (capped at 15 Critical rate for 2,000 Will).
    • Critical Rate obtained from Willpower is automatically added in the character stat menu.
  • Willpower also increases HP where 1 Willpower = 0.6 HP (capped at 1,200 HP for 2,000 Will).

LUK (Luck)[]

  • Increases your chance of obtaining additional (white) Evil Cores.
  • Only way to increase luck is by equipping NX items (e.g. Badges and Blessings).
  • Base Luck is 100.
  • If you have bonus Luck (more than 100), you will gain one guaranteed extra (white) evil core from all bosses.
  • For every other black core that drops, you have (<your luck> - 100)*1.5% chance to obtain a duplicate (white) core, with the same loot table. i.e. If a boss core is duplicated, your white core may contain any item on that boss's drop table. If a breakoff core is duplicated, your white core will contain a second breakoff item, etc.

Effective Stats[]

Health Points[]

  • Health Points, abbreviated as HP, determines how much damage the player can absorb.
  • Health is lost by getting hit by the enemy or environment, falling off high ledges, or using certain skills such as Lann's Fury Infusion.
  • The Defense stat help reduce the amount of HP lost when being hit.
  • If health drops to zero, the player will become incapacitated where they have fallen and will be unable to move.
    • Incapacitation can be resisted with the Life Flare skill which is affected by the Willpower stat.
  • If incapacitation occurs, players must be revived by using a Phoenix Feather or the Revive spell. One can alternatively use the Goddess Grace or Goddess Grace (Party) from the Supply Depot.
    • Using a Phoenix Feather to revive a player will leave them at 50% HP, while the Revive spell restores a certain amount depending on rank, where the Goddess Grace will restore full health.
  • Maximum health can be increased by obtaining certain titles, leveling up, or increasing Willpower or Health Mastery.
  • Health can also be obtained from certain armor effects.
  • Health can be recovered by using HP potions, collecting Restoration Erg Crystals, or using unique skills skills such as Healing Corona.
    • Potions have reduced effectiveness if used while moving. The Merc Recovery Potion is the exception.
    • The HP Potion Proficiency skill can increase the effectiveness of any potion used while standing or moving.
  • When one transforms into a Paladin or Dark Knight, the user's maximum health will fully restored and temporarily increased.
    • 2000 Max HP is granted for 1st transformation, as well as an additional 2000 (for a total of 4000) upon using the 2nd transformation.
  • You can get from +25 up to +50 Max HP from Ein Lacher achievement titles.
    • +25 for "Only the Weak Use Potions": Complete 43 normal battles without using potions.
    • +25 for "Masochist": Complete 27 raid battles without using potions.

STA (Stamina)[]

  • Stamina allows you to employ attacks and movements.
    • Regular attacks stop Stamina regeneration.
    • Dodging, using a smash attack, throwing objects, grabbing and grappling attacks all consume Stamina. (Sprinting used to, but no longer consumes stamina.)
    • If the user runs out of Stamina, the character will pant for a quick second and needs to catch a breather, leaving them vulnerable.
    • Different skills consume different amounts of Stamina.
      • Some skills that consume stamina can be used without the normal amount required. Stamina will be drained normally but cannot fall below 0.
  • Maximum Stamina can be increased by
    • Stamina Mastery.
    • Maximum Stamina is increased by 10 for all characters upon reaching level 80.
    • As a Paladin or Dark Knight, the player gains 50 additional Stamina for the duration of the 1ts transformation. Using the 2nd transform.
    • You can get from 1 up to 15 Max STA from Partholon Vanguard bonus, depending on how many high-level characters (up to 15) you have on account.
  • Characters have different amounts of base STA.
  • Stamina recovery is affected by:
    • The Agility stat and Battle Respiration increase the inherent recovery rate of stamina.
    • Stamina Potions, Evie's SP: Insane Reaper can restore Stamina by a certain amount per second. This "extra" Stamina restoration will continue even when normal Stamina regeneration does not, such as when sprinting.
    • Certain skills, such as Lann's Fury Infusion, the skill Active: Slashing High, 1st and 2nd Paladin Transformation or 1st and 2nd Dark Knight Transformation can restore 100% of Stamina when executed.
    • Certain skills, such as Active: Slashing High, can also maintain 100% of Stamina for a limited time.
  • Some attacks, such as Weakness, temporarily drop the user's Stamina to 0 and prevent Stamina regeneration of any form for a limited time.
  • Certain scrolls can increase max Stamina or Stamina recovery rate, such as Enduring or Berserker.

ATT (Attack Power)[]

  • Increases the damage dealt by physical attacks.
  • All weapons have an Attack value.
  • ATT can be gained by the Weapon Enhancement, Strength stat. Also there is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase or decrease ATT.
  • Some skills, such as Lann's Fury Infusion and Active: Berserker Spirit can temporarily increase physical power.
  • The 1st Paladin and 1st Dark Knight Transformations increases ATT by 2000. While 2nd Paladin and 2nd Dark Knight Transformations adds 2000 ATT which stacks with the initial boost from the 1st transformation, for a total of 4000 ATT.
  • Dark Knight's Steal allows them to absorb HP of their enemies to convert it to attack power, up to a maximum of 1000 ATT.
  • You can get from 100 up to 500 ATT from Partholon Vanguard bonus, depending on how many high-level characters (up to 5) you have on account.
  • You can get up to +4000 ATT from Redeemers achievement bonuses.

M. ATT (Magic Attack Power)[]

  • Increases the damage dealt by magic attacks.
  • All of Evie's and Arisha's weapons have a Magic Attack value.
  • M. ATT can be gained by the Weapon Enhancement, Intelligence stat. Also there is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase or decrease M.ATT.
  • The 1st Paladin and 1st Dark Knight Transformations increases M. ATT by 2000. While 2nd Paladin and 2nd Dark Knight Transformations adds 2000 M. ATT which stacks with the initial boost from the 1st transformation, for a total of 4000 M. ATT.
  • Dark Knight's Steal allows them to absorb HP of their enemies to convert it to attack power, up to a maximum of 1000 M. ATT.
  • You can get from 100 up to 500 M. ATT from Partholon Vanguard bonus, depending on how many high-level characters (up to 5) you have on account.
  • You can get up to +4000 M. ATT from Redeemers achievement bonuses.

ATT Cap[]

Attack Power is mitigated by Defense in a linear fashion such that "Attack Power - Defense = Effective Attack Power." Effective Attack Power is then used in each ability's damage formula to calculate damage. However, there is a 10k cap to Effective Attack Power. So if a monster has 6k Defense, then you will reach the cap against that specific monster at 16k ATT. If you have 19k ATT, the extra 3k will be ignored for that monster.

ATT Surplus[]

  • ATT Surplus also referred to as Attack Limit Removal (ALR).
  • Increases your ATT Cap, allowing you to deal more damage in situations where you were attack capped.
  • This is achieved through Material Synthesis , in which a maxed out Shard/Chunk/Ore is upgraded using Shards.
  • You can get from 100 up to 500 ATT Surplus from Partholon Vanguard bonus, depending on how many high-level characters (from 6 up to 10) you have on account.
  • You can get up to +900 ATT Surplus from Redeemers achievement bonuses.

Additional DMG[]

  • Additional DMG is an extra source of ATT/M.ATT that is not subject to the ATT Cap. When you are ATT capped for a battle, and have 0 ATT Surplus, the real damage dealt to the enemy is you character sheet Additional DMG multiplied by 6.25. This means is that if you have 4000 Additional DMG, you are getting +25000 ATT/M.ATT for damage calculation.
  • Increases the damage dealt by light and smash attacks.
  • Not affected by enemy Defense, making it much more valuable than regular ATT/M.ATT.
  • Primarily obtained by Enhancing weapons and armour. The Superior Guild Campfire Kit buff and Goddess Guidance buff are both able to temporarily increase Additional DMG.

DEF (Defense)[]

  • Lowers the damage received from attacks.
  • All armor has a defense value.
    • Armor can break if the user takes too many hits, and the defense added from the armor piece will be lowered.
      • Critical hits will instantly break a piece of armor, regardless of previous durability or damage dealt.
      • Higher enhanced armor maintains more defense when broken than lower enhanced armor.
  • Defense can be gained by the Armor Enhancement, Agility stat, Defense Mastery, Stone Skin and Armor Mastery. Also there is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase or decrease DEF.
    • A high ranked Stone Skin can restore a certain amount of Defense for each broken piece of armor.
  • The 1st Paladin and 1st Dark Knight Transformations increases DEF by 2000. While 2nd Paladin and 2nd Dark Knight Transformations adds 2000 DEF which stacks with the initial boost from the 1st transformation, for a total of 4000 DEF.
  • You can get from 50 up to 300 DEF from Partholon Vanguard bonus, depending on how many high-level characters (up to 6) you have on account.

Miscellaneous Stats[]

BAL (Weapon Balance)[]

  • Weapon Balance determines the range of damage the weapon inflicts. In other words, each weapon’s damage will vary based on the Balance of it.
    • For example, if a weapon’s balance is 80, it will have a chance to inflict between 80% - 100% of total damage.
      • For further explanation, every time the player deals damage the game rolls a number and applies it as a percent. The minimum possible roll is equal to the player's balance total, while the maximum is 100. This is then applied against the character's actual damage, meaning that a character with 80 balance would deal anywhere between 80% to 100% of the actual damage per hit.
        • Simply put, higher balance is better.
  • Weapon Balance is capped at 100 effective balance.
  • There is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase or decrease BAL.
  • You can get from +1 up to +5 BAL from Ein Lacher achievement titles.
    • +1 for "Under the Radar": Complete 43 normal battles on Gold Medal.
    • +1 for "Raid Runner": Complete 27 raid battles on Gold Medal.
    • +1 for "All By You Lonesome": Complete 70 battles on Gold Medal.
    • +1 for "Only the Weak Use Potions": Complete 43 normal battles without using potions.
    • +1 for "Masochist": Complete 27 raid battles without using potions.

ATT SPD (Attack Speed)[]

  • Attack Speed determines how fast or slow the character attacks with the weapon.
    • For Kai's longbow mode, the attack speed only effects the reload time.
  • Each point of Attack Speed increases the speed of attacks by 0.5%.
  • The time required to complete any attack is given by the following formula:
   real attack period = base attack period / ((200 + Attack Speed) / 200)

Impact SPD (Impact Speed)[]

  • Impact Speed also referred to as Penetration or Hit Drag Reduction. Impact is the delay that occurs when the weapon comes into contact with the opponent. Determines the time it takes for an attack that actually hits.
  • Impact Speed can be gained by the Transformation skill Impact (Paladin) or Impact (Dark Knight).
  • You will get 10% Impact Speed from Partholon Vanguard bonuses if you have 10 high-level charactes on you account.

MVT SPD (Movement speed)[]

Attack Distance[]

  • Attack Distance is the range from the character to the opponent.
  • Attack Distance cannot be increased from weapon enhancements.
  • Characters who are taller tend to have more attack reach while a shorter character will have less attack reach.
  • Attack Distance is a hidden stat specific to the weapon (specifically the appearance weapon in terms of fused gear).
  • As a Paladin or Dark Knight, the Attack Distance greatly increases.
  • All of Hurk's and Lynn's weapons have the same Attack Distances.

Critical Chance[]

  • Critical Chance determines the chance you will land a critical hit.
    • Critical Chance is determined by Attacker's Critical Rate - Defender's Critical Resistance.
    • The formula for total Critical Chance is the following: Critical Rate Skill + Weapon Critical + (Willpower/2000 * 15) + Other Critical Enhancements
  • The final Critical Chance after all the calculation is capped at 50%. For example, a player has 90 critical and the boss has 20 critical resistance, but since the cap is 50, said player will only have 50% Critical Chance against the boss, not 70%.
  • A character can raise their Critical stats in several ways:
    • Skills such as Critical Rate and Lann's Fury Infusion, Thousand Needles's Sharp/Furious, and Risky Wind's Windrider.
    • Willpower increases Critical Chance at the rate of 0.0075% for every 1 Will.
    • All weapons gives some amount of Critical Rate.
    • There is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase Critical Rate.
    • You can get +1 Critical Rate from Partholon Vanguard bonus if you have 5 high-level characters on account.
    • You can get from +1 up to +3 Critical Rate from Ein Lacher achievement titles.
      • +1 for "Under the Radar": Complete 43 normal battles on Gold Medal.
      • +1 for "Raid Runner": Complete 27 raid battles on Gold Medal.
      • +1 for "All By You Lonesome": Complete 70 battles on Gold Medal.
    • You can get up to +20 Critical Rate from Redeemers achievement bonuses.

Critical Damage[]

  • Critical Damage is the damage dealt from critical hits, as a percentage.
  • Has a base of 100.
  • Every 1 Strength gives 0.015% Critical Damage for physical damage characters and every 1 Intelligence gives 0.015% Critical Damage for magic damage characters.
  • Critical Rate and Lann's Critical Damage increases Critical Damage.

CRIT RST (Critical Resistance)[]

  • Critical Resistance lowers the chances that an opponent will critically strike you.
  • The formula for resisting critical chance is: Total Critical Chance - Critical Resistance.
  • Certain armors increase the wearer's Critical Resistance.
  • There is Enchanting Scrolls which can increase or decrease Critical Resistance.

Breakoff DMG (Breakoff Damage)[]

SP (Special Power)[]

  • SP is a resource used up when using extremely powerful abilities.
    • Most skills that use SP are prefaced with Active:, such as Active: Raging Fever. However, a few skills such as Kai's Magnum will draw SP in spite of not being labelled as such.
  • The SP bar only becomes visible when the player has first obtained an SP skill.
  • The SP bar is split into 5 parts; each sub-bar is 250 SP, making the whole bar 1250 SP. Skills consume one or several of the sub-bars.
  • Many common actions, such as using smashes, increases SP. Many characters have unique, additional ways to increase SP such as Fiona's Guard.
  • SP can also be gained through SP Recovery Potions.
  • Using a Goddess Grace or being revived with a Party Revival Feather or Guild Heavenly Feather provides 500 SP.
  • The status ailment Decreased Energy decreases SP by 450 within 6 seconds.
  • Lynn's Active: Jade Fox reduces SP over time as well as when she is hit by a damaging ability.

MP (Mana Power)[]

  • MP is a resource used up when utilizing enhanced attacks for Arisha with either Focus or Spellblade, or with Eira's extensive set of tactical abilities;
  • MP is exclusive for Arisha and Eira characters;
  • MP's maximum value is 500;
  • MP is gained by attacking enemies;
  • For Arisha, MP needs to be charged by using Mana Drain before it can be used (turning from dark blue to light blue);
    • The only skill that utilizes MP is Mana Blade mode. When in Mana Blade mode, each attack dealt drains about 10 MP;
    • Perfect Drain can net you additional amount of MP. The amount of additional MP depends on the rank of Mana Drain skill.