Ainle used to be famous for their pumpkin patch. There should be plenty of ripe pumpkins there. Just watch out... I hear it's not safe there anymore...
Area 1 Path 1: Ashen in Hiding is located in the side corridor that runs along the North edge of first room.
Area 1 Path 2: Blood Drinker in Hiding will appear when you go up the ramp path on left (West) side of final courtyard. This area can be found in "Season of the Macha" hardmode (don't know if normal mode have it).
Area 2: Gravedirt in Hiding appears if you enter the small room at the South East corner of final coutyard. It will appear outside the room, blocking your exit.
Area 1 Path 1 has one in the side corridor that runs along the North edge of the first room, near the Ashen in Hiding.
Area 2 has two. One is behind a barred gate after the first left turn. To open the gate, head up the ladder before that turn, at the start of the area on the left side, and hit the blue glowing switch at the South East corner of the walkways. The other is at the Northern end of the final courtyard, clearly visible on a roof. Climb the ladder to reach it.
Area 3 has one. It is at the South edge of the map.