Vindictus Wiki
DevCAT Face (Icon) This article includes content that may not be released in North America/Europe.

Some or all of the following content may not be officially released by NA/EU Nexon and the article may be based on asian versions of Vindictus.

Braha Battle Pillar
Braha Battle Pillar
Weapon, Pillar Sell Price 35,000 Gold (Icon)
172 stones
Restriction (Icon)
Only for Karok.
For levels 90 and above.
Rank Pillar Mastery 5 and above.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

How to Obtain[]

Crafted by Dianann after completing the battle quest Island Ruins

Braha's Essence- Weapon  Braha's Essence: Weapon x 1
Keen Legendary Shard  Keen Legendary Shard x 1
Stable Legendary Shard  Stable Legendary Shard x 1
Lightweight Legendary Shard  Lightweight Legendary Shard x 1
Perfect Legendary Shard  Perfect Legendary Shard x 1

Image Gallery[]

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