The being responsible for originally destroying Ainle was summoned from another world. However, this time, the being forced its way into our world on its own... Go investigate.
You will alternate between fighting mobs in the main courtyard and fighting mobs and a mid-boss in one of the 3 side passages at the Western end of the courtyard. The order of passages and mid-bosses is:
Each side passage has one erg pot guarded by 3 wisps.
Northwest - It is in the Northeast corner of the final room.
West - It is on a high ledge immediately above the entrance to the passage.
Southwest - It is in the East alcove immediately before the ramp leading down to the final room containing the mid-boss.
Ore deposits - There are two in the final (northeast) room at the end of the Northwest passage. One in midway along the North border of the room. One is midway along the East border.