Vindictus Wiki
Black Breeze
Black Breeze (Enemy)
Type Gnoll
Location Perilous Ruins
(Boss of Trampled Plains)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 34 Exp: 714 HP by Group Size - 1: 25,200 2: 33,6003: 43,680 4: 57,120
Att: 3,944 Def: 2,028 Crit: 24 Res: 31 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Blood-Sucking Plant, Dark Cloth, Emptiness Erg Crystal, Leather, Life Erg Crystal, Life Spirit Remnant, Peridot, Silence Erg Crystal Advanced Enhancement Stone
Hero Mode Blood-Sucking Plant, Dark Cloth, Emptiness Erg Crystal, Leather, Life Erg Crystal, Life Spirit Remnant, Peridot, Silence Erg Crystal Blood Prince Breastplate Advanced Enhancement Stone, Agony Enchant Scroll, Daring Enchant Scroll, Enhancement Elixir, Honed Enchant Scroll, Valor Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Stands on all four limbs close to the ground, then performs a leaping attack
  • Leans back on hinds legs, and performs a single close-range swipe.

Tips & Advice[]

  • He has a larger detection range than the Werewolf that spawns with him. Fights with Black Breeze can be made much easier by having everyone stand on the stairs and having one person lure him back to the stairs.
  • Another place the party can lure the bosses over to is the area behind them when they spawn. Luring them over to the giant pillars will hinder the amount of movement they do.
  • Fighting him with your back to a corner, such as the two near the entrance of this room is also a valid tactic. Wait for Black Breeze to do his charging leap attack, and evade right or left (either with a dodge, or by just running out of the way). When done correctly Black Breeze will run past you and get stuck animating into the wall, which is your opportunity to attack him.
  • The pillars in the middle of this area are a good place to take cover behind during his charging attack since he will often break them in his attack and become stunned as a result.
  • Since only his headbutt is a normal attack, getting opportunities to counter him are difficult. He's also a little less fragile than the Werewolf (takes two counters to stun).

Additional Notes[]

  • Black Breeze is extremely agile and incredibly hard to pin down.
  • Usually succumbs if hit by a spear or a heavy object such as a pillar.
  • Chain hooks when successful, will drop him to the ground for almost 10 seconds. Chain either of his legs.
  • An Evie's Mercury Trap will hinder Black Breeze to run in one spot for a certain amount of time if Black Breeze is within it.

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