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Avenger Eye
Avenger Eye
Weapon, Twin Swords Sell Price 219 Gold (Icon)
90 stones

ATT +2,474;  Balance +75;  Critical Rate +28;  STR +16;  WIL +40;   

Restriction (Icon)
Only for Lann, Vella.
For levels 20 and above.
Rank Twin Sword Mastery E and above.
Can Be Traded (Icon)
Can use all forms of trade

A pair of swords with dark eyes engraved on the swords. They look eerie against the cold steel, and it almost feels as if someone is staring at you whenever you use them.

How to Obtain[]

Dropped by

Crafted with the Weaponsmithing expertise

Recommended expertise proficiency: 130 Fine Hilt  Fine Hilt x 1
Fine Iron Ore  Fine Iron Ore x 6
Copper Ore  Copper Ore x 4
Goliath Eye  Goliath Eye x 2

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