Vindictus Wiki
Aloof Inonoch
Aloof Inonoch (Enemy)
Type Kobold
Location Hoarfrost Depths
(Boss of Unfinished Business)
Alignment Aggressive
Season Season 1


Normal / Hard Mode

Level: 56 Exp: 1,764 HP by Group Size - 1: 22,613 2: 30,1503: 39,195 4: 51,255
Att: 7,397 Def: 3,853 Crit: 34 Res: 39 CritDmg: 120%    

Related Titles[]


Regular Drops[]

Materials Equipment Etc.
Normal / Hard Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Emblem of Resurrection, Fine Cloth, Fine Kobold Cloth, Fine Leather, Inonoch Ring, Inonoch's Spell Book, Kobold Shaman Staff, Magic Powder, Mana Dust Epic Enhancement Stone, Lightning Enchant Scroll
Hero Mode Blessed Magic Powder, Emblem of Resurrection, Fine Cloth, Fine Kobold Cloth, Fine Leather, Inonoch Ring, Inonoch's Spell Book, Kobold Shaman Staff, Magic Powder, Mana Dust Empowered Enhancement Stone, Enhancement Elixir, Epic Enhancement Stone, Lightning Enchant Scroll, Tactician's Enchant Scroll

Quest-Only Drops[]

Battle Skills & Attacks[]

  • Raises his left hand with a tiny mana mine, runs forward and leaps into the air. He detonates a mana mine as he jumps and then detonates another as he lands.
  • Jabs his staff forward and places an orange mana mine. The mana mine persists for a few seconds and will explode if touched. Only 5 of Aloof's mana mines can exist at the same time. Additional mana mines will not be placed.
  • Waves his hand in front of him, then release a powerful blast (the same as Marvelous Emaighsoch).

Tips & Advice[]

  • Aloof is a quick boss in both his attacks and recovery time between attacks. He can be blinded by Light of Palala.
  • A single Chain Hook on either of his legs will restrain him.
  • All of his attacks come from his left side, so dodge towards his right to avoid his attacks.
  • Aloof likes to run up to players and use mana mines.

Additional Notes[]

  • Attacking Aloof's mana mines will cause them to be destroyed. If you run into one it will explode and hurt you. They will vanish on their own after a few seconds. Vella can Backlash these mana mines.

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